The effect of Junk Food on Your Brain: Part 3: How do I cut down?
Finally what is the solution to cut down on junk foods? Or is there a solution at all? Yes there is! View this video to learn more about how you can cut down on junk foods. Now, let’s chat in the comments: what are your questions around junk food cravings and the...The effect of Junk Food on Your Brain: Part 2 : The damage on your brain
The intake of excessiive amounts of junk foods has been closely linked to health issues. Junk food also damages the brain. View this video to learn more about how and why this happens…. Now, let’s chat in the comments: what are your questions around junk food...
The effect of Junk Food on Your Brain: Part 1: The Science Behind Cravings
Have you ever thought why do we crave junk food. Well it turns out that there is whole science behind it. Food companies spend millions of dollars trying understand the brains reactions when we see food. There is science behind specific food combinations and why do we...